Thursday 18 August 2011

Autumn/Fall Fashionnnnnnn:D

Here in Britain, summer is drawing to an end (even though it was never really hot!) and the nights are getting shorter... this can only mean 1 thing. AUTUMNS ARRIVED! This has to be my favourite season of the year because its not full on horrid weather, but chilly enough for a jacket! Most of the shops already have got in the new stock and the new trends become obvious. For me, I've got my eye on a few things I want to add to my wardrobe but, in a desperate urge to save money, I have had to limit myself :(

Coloured Skinny's..
Coloured jeans have been around for a while, but in summer it can be really uncomfortable to wear them so autumn is when I think they will shine. they are great for tucking in printed tee's or baggy vests, then layoring with a cardigan. Because of the time of year, i prefer darked muted colours like berry's, plum's olives and browns. Not forgetting the skin tone and oatmeal colours!

MOTO Berry Baxter Jeans- Topshop £40

Coloured Skinny Jean- Corn Yellow- Newlook £25.99

Recently I have really be liking the loafer/moccasin style of shoe in basically any shade of brown! They are reasonably cheap and good for fall as most are sturdier than ballet flats so suit the weather change. I also think they look smarter and way more expensive then what they actually cost!

Stitch Detail Loafer- New Look £14.99

 Leather Tassel Loafer Flat- New Look £29.95 NOW IN SALE! £15

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Summer Loving?!

So it's summer and finally the sun has decided to shine over England! Only problem being that I dread having to expose my pale, neglected legs that have been hiding under skinny's or leggings for the last god-knows how many months! If you have the same problem, or just want a few recommendations on what's good and what to steer clear of, the read on...

This step is highly important in a summer skincare routine as know-one finds dried, flaky, prune legs attractive (or most people don't anyway!!) also, ex foliation is really important if you want to fake tan or maintain a real one. I would recommend a salt or sugar scrub as, from previous experience, they seem to do the job better. Be careful though, some can be too abrasive and take of the bad stuff and the good stuff... Bad times. I love Soap and Glory's Flake Away body scrub (300ml- £6.64 at boots). It smells a-m-a-zing and contains Shea butter and almond oil which leaves your skin polished, pampered and moisturised!

A good all rounder. St Ives Invigorating Apricot body scrub (300ml- £5.49 at boots) is also another favourite of mine as it scrubs good, is not as thick and Flake Away and is cheaper!

It's especially important to moisturise in the summer to help keep your skin hydrated as the sun and general day-to-day things can make it look dull. This will make your skin feel softer and look healthier- every girls dream :D Some people prefer light creams in the summer as their not a heavy and absorb quicker but don't always get the best results. Palmer's Coco Butter Formula Lotion (250ml- £3.77 at boots) is great because as well as giving your skin a hugeeeeee drink, it also helps fade scars or un-even skin tone. Imperfections like these are barleys noticeable but I know I'm not the only one who feels everyone around you is staring at them so this just gives your confidence a little boost!

If your looking for a moisturiser with a a little colour in it, gradual tan, I would head for Garnier Summer Body Moisturising Lotion(250ml- £5.10 at boots)! It has great moisturising properties and builds up a tan each day you use it which is great is you want a subtle tan that doesn't scream fake. Building the tan night by night also means it is less likely to become streaky or un-even as if you make a mistake you can quickly correct it the next day. Gradual tans also enable you to control your tan by deepening it in the summer months or making it lighter in the winter!


Fuzzy bear legs just don't look good in summer with shorts or dresses so action needs to be taken to solve this problem. This Summer, I tried waxing for the first time as it last longer than shaving or hair removal despite being more painful. I thought I would play it safe and go for home waxing first because the thought of me screaming in my local salon for the whole world to hear didn't seem too appealing. Did it hurt, yes, was I left with marks to prove it, yes, was there still hair on my leg after, yes. Overall... rubbish!! Went through the pain for really poor results so next time I would go and get it done by professionals who actually know what their doing (unlike myself) ;P I used Avon Skin So Soft wax strip kit for body which I deffo wouldn't recommend. If you want to try home waxing, rather than a salon i would use Veet as my friends tell me they give good results for a good price!

Hailey x

Saturday 15 January 2011


Hello Everyone!

One of my new years resoloutions was to drink more water, therefore making me and healthier person :) I always here people taking about the benefits of drinking more water (better skin and hair) so i thought i'd see if their right!

I'm trying to drink as much water as i can, and so far so good! i'm probally drinking about 2 liters a day which i think its quite good, but ima try and drink more! I haven't noticed any changes yet in my apperance but i definatly keep you guys posted! :)

Hailey :D xx

Wanna Get To Know Me?!?!

Hello Everyone :)

Most of the stuff on my blog is beauty related and so far i haven't really done any personal posts.. but there's a first for everything! I'm going to do the 25 questions tag so you guys will hopefully know more info about me! :D

1. Do you have any pets?  I used to but no not currently :(

2. Name 3 things that are physically close to you.  Mirror, lipgloss, spot cream 

3. What's the weather like right now?  It's night, so its dark

4. Do you drive? If so have you crashed?  No, i dont drive, so i haven't crashed :L

5. What time did you wake up this morning?  10.30.. i'm sooo lazy ahaa! but its a saturday so its okay, right?!

6. When was the last time you showered?  This morning

7. What was the last movie you saw?  The last film i saw at the cinema was the lastest Narnia film, i saw it with my Grandma! I'm so sad!

8. What does your last text message say?  'yeah okay :) xx' << interesting right! :L

9. What's your ringtone?  My phones on vibrate

10. Have you ever been to a different country?  Yeah, usually i go abroad every year with my family.. sometimes more.

11. Do you like sushi?  YEAHBOY!

12. Where do you buy your groceries?  Sainsburys

13. Have you ever taken medication to help you fall asleep faster?  No, and i hope i never will have to :)

14. How many siblings do you have?  1 older sister

16. How old will you be turning on your next birthday?  15

17. Do you wear contacts or glasses?  No

18. Do you color your hair?  No, but im thinking about dying soon maybe! I'll let you know

19. Tell me something you are planning to do today.  Well its the evening so not much, but today i went to the gym! (I'm very proud :L)

20. When was the last time you cried?  Last week maybe? Not too sure

21. What is your perfect pizza topping?  Tomato, cheese, ham, and mushroom! nomnom!!

22. Which do you prefer-hamburgers or cheeseburgers?  CHEESEBURGERS!! defo! :D

23. Have you ever had an all-nighter?  Yes, too many!
24. What is your eye color?  Green, with brown bits

 25. Can you taste the difference between Pepsi and Coke?  Yes! some people think its the same, but i personally prefer pepsi :)

Okay, so that was my 25 questions tag! hope you liked it and feel you know me better now :)

Hailey :D xx

15. Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop?  Laptop in my room, desktop downstairs

Up-coming Products!

Hello Everyone :)

Just wanted to let you know that a ordered some products to help clear up my spots from Amazon, and they arrived this morning!!! I'm soo exited about them and cant wait to try them out :D
I've tried a tun of face-washes and creams that claim to clear up spots and acne, and i guess they work for some people they do, but not me :( I really hope that these are my 'magic' products that will finally work (fingers crossed).
In past i've tried to you things that are natural and that arent going to cause my skin more damage, but none of them worked, so the 2 things i ordered are perscription things: an anti-bacterial face wash and a 5% benzoyl peroxide spot cream.

Used them this morning and they didn't cause any irritation, but of cause its too soon to see if they have made an improvement. Look out for a review soon!!
(btw, i bought these products with my own money)

Hailey :D xx

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Hair Routine!

Hello Everyone :)

So this evening i was sat with my laptop, wondering what should be the subject for my next blog post.... and i decieded that my hair routine would be a good choice!! Here it is;

When i first step out of the shower, i spray Schwarzkopf Gliss Liquid Silk Gloss Express Repair Conditioner in my hair, mainly foucusing on the bottom half because i dont want to make my roots greesy by applying too many products! This leave-in conditioner also makes my hair really soft and de-tangles at the same time :)
I then put my hair up in a towel for about 20-30 mins to let it air dry slightly.. but i dont leave it enough to completly dry it, you just want it damp. After this i brush through my hair with a wide-thooth comb, this reduces breakage in my hair because it's gentler ( is that even a word?!?!) than a brush.

Next i apply Avon's Advance Techniques Smoothing Cream all over my hair but not much near the top of my head, i mainly focus it to the middle of my hair . This makes my hair really smooth, adds shine and seals all my fly-aways together! Plus it smells great!
After this i apply 2 pumps of Avon's Advance Techniques Dry Ends Serum to the ends of my hair because it mends any dry/spilt ends i have and makes them really soft!

Last but not least i apply a few squirtes of Clairol's Professional Volume Booster Spray to the roots of my hair to give it more volume and body! Then i take a hair dryer and blow dry my roots! i dont blow dry all my hair because i'm currently trying to reduce the heat i use on my hair. :)

Thanks for reading!

Hailey :D xx

Saturday 1 January 2011


Just wanted to wish everyone a happy new year (even though it was yestaday! ooops.) If 2010 wasn't the best year for you then i hope that 2011 will be better and if 2010 was great for you then i hope that your 2011 is even better :)
Hope you all had a great christmas and reviceved all the gifts you wanted :D
More reviews and make-up stuff on the way!

Hailey :) xx