Saturday 15 January 2011

Up-coming Products!

Hello Everyone :)

Just wanted to let you know that a ordered some products to help clear up my spots from Amazon, and they arrived this morning!!! I'm soo exited about them and cant wait to try them out :D
I've tried a tun of face-washes and creams that claim to clear up spots and acne, and i guess they work for some people they do, but not me :( I really hope that these are my 'magic' products that will finally work (fingers crossed).
In past i've tried to you things that are natural and that arent going to cause my skin more damage, but none of them worked, so the 2 things i ordered are perscription things: an anti-bacterial face wash and a 5% benzoyl peroxide spot cream.

Used them this morning and they didn't cause any irritation, but of cause its too soon to see if they have made an improvement. Look out for a review soon!!
(btw, i bought these products with my own money)

Hailey :D xx

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